How to Register

We have a few videos on how to register, including:

  1. Team Captain to register and pay the team fee 
  2. Team fee is $700 for each team up to 14 players
  3. Above fee does not include shirt, teams can buy their own uniform or buy it from the League for $10 each
  4. Team is required to wear a team shirt/jersey with number on the back
  5. Team Captain, can invite, add, remove player to his/her team at no additional fee
  6. Team roster cannot exceed 14 players
  7. Team roster will be frozen for playoffs games
  8. The League will assist Team Captain to update team roster if needed
  9. Under this fee structure the League will not collect individual players fees
  1. This is for players invited for a Team Captain to play for his/her team
  2. Team Captain still have to approve your registration into his/her team
  3. Your team Captain will advise your fee portion for the team
  4. As Team Player you will not pay fees to the League
  1. If an individual player does not have a team to play for they may register as a Free Agent
  2. Free Agent registration is $70 per player
  3. Above fee does not include a team shirt
  4. The League will manage all Free Agent players into one team with all Free agent players
  5. In cases where we do not have enough Free Agents to build a team, the League will try find a spot with another team
  6. If we are unable to find a team for the Free Agent, they will be eligible for a full refund

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